What Is Saffron and Why It's Expensive?

What Is Saffron and Why It's Expensive?

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Imagine a spice so enchanting that it's often called "red gold."[1] Saffron, as it's commonly known, is a mystery that has attracted people across cultures and time. 

But why do these delicate tiny threads carry such a hefty price tag? Let's find out more about Saffron, including its origins, cultivation, and the factors that contribute to its lofty value.


What is Saffron?

Saffron isn't just a spice; it's a story that spans centuries and landscapes. It starts with the vibrant stigmas of the Crocus sativus L. flower, which are carefully nurtured in regions like Iran.

The laborious process of harvesting by hand reveals the essence of this precious spice.

Amazing Flavor and Aroma

When adding Saffron to a dish, it transforms it with its unique flavor profile – a blend of earthiness and floral notes. Its aroma is captivating and distinct, making it irreplaceable by any other spice.



The Harvesting Process

Saffron's value is deeply tied to the labour-intensive and time-consuming harvesting process. 

The stigmas are so fragile that they must be gently plucked by hand, and it takes 150,000 flowers to yield 1kg of Saffron.


On top of that, the flowers have a short harvesting period. The flowers bloom only once a year during October and continues for 3 weeks. And each flower lives for only 48 hours. 

Moreover, the Saffron harvesting process is best conducted at dawn before sunrise to ensure the highest quality. Harvesting of Saffron is truly a race against the clock.

This painstaking process requires carefulness and quickness. The labour-intensive nature of the harvesting process contributes to Saffron's rarity.


Saffron is Rare

Saffron's rarity is influenced by more than just labour-intensive process. The Crocus sativus flower is sensitive to its environment, it requires specific weather conditions and suitable soil. 

Iran's unique climate provides the perfect conditions, including specific weather patterns and well-drained soil, for the cultivation of top-quality saffron.

This makes saffron's cultivation a strong tie with nature, enhancing its scarcity.


Why Saffron is Expensive?

The combination of labour-intensive and time-consuming harvesting process, scarcity, and the wonderful unique flavor results in saffron's premium cost. 

Saffron is not only a spice; it symbolizes luxury, cooking expertise, and most importantly, its wonderful health and skincare benefits.


Health and Skincare Benefits of Saffron

Health Benefits:
Saffron has been employed in traditional medicine, offering potential health benefits due to 3 main important bioactive compounds: crocin, picrocrocin and safranal [2].

Its qualities as an antioxidant and mood enhancer [3] , adds an interesting touch to this unique spice that's gaining popularity worldwide, including in Malaysia.

Skincare Benefits:
Furthermore, saffron provides skincare benefits [4] , making it especially popular among women. When utilized in skincare, saffron can help improve skin texture and complexion, promoting a natural radiance. 

Compounds like safranal, found in saffron, contribute to its soothing effects on irritated skin and its potential to promote a healthy glow. 

This makes saffron not only a culinary delight but also a versatile and cherished addition to wellness and skincare routines.



Saffron's high price is a reflection of its rarity and the meticulous labour required. However, Saffron is precious, not expensive because a small amount of saffron goes a long way. 

A small pinch of Saffron enhancing dishes with its distinctive flavour and vibrant yellow colour.

Alternatively, just a few threads are sufficient to create a cup of Saffron tea, infusing it with a rich flavour that offers both health and skin benefits.

Discover Excellence Saffron from Saffron Silk Road: 

🛒 Shop here Premium Super Negin and Sargol Saffron   

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1. Serghini, M. A., Lagram, K., Ben El Caid, M., Lachheb, M., Atyane, L. H., Salaka, L., & Karra, Y. (2016, November). Saffron (Crocus sativus): current state of scientific research. In V International Symposium on Saffron Biology and Technology: Advances in Biology, Technologies, Uses and Market 1184 (pp. 79-86).

2. Mashmoul, M., Azlan, A., Khaza’ai, H., Mohd Yusof, B. N., & Mohd Noor, S. (2013). Saffron: a natural potent antioxidant as a promising anti-obesity drug. Antioxidants, 2(4), 293-308.

3. Siddiqui SA, Ali Redha A, Snoeck ER, Singh S, Simal-Gandara J, Ibrahim SA, Jafari SM. Anti-Depressant Properties of Crocin Molecules in Saffron. Molecules. 2022 Mar 23;27(7):2076. doi: 10.3390/molecules27072076. PMID: 35408474; PMCID: PMC9000812.

 4. Mzabri I, Addi M, Berrichi A. Traditional and Modern Uses of Saffron (Crocus Sativus). Cosmetics. 2019; 6(4):63. https://doi.org/10.3390/cosmetics6040063

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