A Saffron Lover's Guide: How to identify High Quality Saffron

A Saffron Lover's Guide: How to identify High Quality Saffron

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Welcome back to our saffron journey! In our previous posts, we've introduced you to the exceptional quality of our Persian Saffron, explained why it's considered an expensive spice, and highlighted its numerous benefits.

Now, let's dive deeper into a valuable and important topic for saffron users – how to differentiate high-quality saffron from the lower-grade alternatives available in the market.


Tips to Identifying Quality Saffron

Saffron is a valuable spice, and not all saffron is created equal.

Here are some straightforward ways to evaluate Saffron quality:

1. Look


Start by visually inspecting the Saffron threads. Premium saffron threads should be long and red, not short or broken.

They should not appear short, broken, or mixed with yellow threads. Yellow threads (styles) [1] are often added by unethical sellers to increase weight but lower the quality.

Red threads contain the potent compounds responsible for Saffron's flavour, aroma, colour, and potential health benefits.

While yellow threads are still part of the Saffron spice, they do not possess the same concentration of nutrients and flavour.

When using saffron for culinary or medicinal purposes, it's crucial to get the red stigmas, as they are the prized and nutrient-rich part of the spice.


2. Colour


Premium quality saffron should exhibit a rich, vibrant red colour. Be cautious of low quality Saffron with brown or mixed with yellow threads (styles).

Brown saffron indicates oxidation, which degrades its quality and reduces its nutrient content. The vibrant red threads of saffron are rich in valuable compounds, but when exposed to factors like long storage period, light, air, and moisture, they turn brown, losing flavour, aroma, and nutrients.

This makes it less effective for enhancing the taste of dishes and reduces its potential health benefits.


3. Aroma and Flavour


Smelling Saffron:

Premium and original Saffron releases a strong, distinct, and pleasant aroma.  If it lacks fragrance, it may not be top quality.

Tasting Saffron:

When you taste quality saffron in its dry form, it should have a slightly bitter [2] and earthy taste. This is a characteristic of excellent saffron. Be cautious of saffron with a sweet, strange, or artificial flavour, as these can be indicators of lower quality.


4. Storage Method


Proper storage is crucial for saffron, especially in hot and humid climates like Malaysia. Professional cold storage to store Saffron in a cool, dark, and dry place is essential.

Over-exposure to light and heat can affect Saffron's quality, causing oxidation that leads to nutrient and flavour loss. For the top quality saffron, consider obtaining it from us, as we ensure professional storage practices to preserve its exceptional quality.

5. Moisture Level


Premium saffron is dry and brittle [3], which helps preserve its valuable nutrients. Quality saffron should have low moisture content, as saffron with excessive moisture can be more prone to spoilage and degradation.

In contrast, lower quality saffron can be sticky to the touch or clump together. This stickiness is often a result of unethical sellers trying to manipulate the weight of saffron to command a higher selling price.

Therefore, when saffron is dry, maintains its individual thread structure, and exhibits a brittle texture, it is more likely to be of top quality.

6. Beware of Fake Saffron


To guarantee authenticity, buy saffron from trusted sources like us. Genuine saffron is distinguished by its distinctive trumpet-shaped threads that widen at one end, providing a clear marker of its authenticity and superior quality.

Beware of impostors like safflower [4] and chili threads. While they may resemble saffron in terms of their red colour and thread-like appearance, they lack Saffron's unique flavour, aroma, and valuable compounds for cooking or medical purposes.

You may refer to here for more details comparison in terms of colour, shape and size, flavour and aroma,and culinary uses.

7. Water Test


For a water test [5], genuine and quality saffron will slowly release a yellow colour when soaked in water. The threads should retain their red colour without fading, and when gently rubbed, they should not break easily.

In contrast, fake saffron tends to quickly turn the water red and loses its thread colour rapidly. When rubbed, fake saffron threads break easily.

8. Price


Saffron is a precious spice, known for its rarity and labour-intensive harvesting process, as discussed in our previous posts. If saffron is priced too cheap, it should raise your suspicions about its quality and authenticity. Genuine saffron has a certain value due to its production complexity.

On the flip side, excessively high prices should also trigger caution. While saffron is valuable, it shouldn't be unreasonably over-priced. Be careful to ensure you're not overpaying for Saffron.

Our premium Saffron is reasonably priced for top quality, ensuring that you can enjoy its potential medical benefits without overpaying.

9. Country of Origin:


Opt for Persian saffron, Iran produces almost 90% of the total world production [6] and known for its long history of cultivation. When seeking saffron, always look for trusted sources to ensure authenticity and superior quality.

Journey with us, your trusted supplier of top-quality saffron in Malaysia and Singapore, as we take you along the saffron silk road of flavours!


Distinguishing high-quality saffron from lower-quality options is a skill that any saffron lover can master.

By considering all the factors above, you can confidently select premium Persian Saffron that will enhance your cooking skill and provide you with a delightful saffron experience.

Stay tuned for more insights into the world of premium Saffron, where quality meets excellence. If you're searching for the best saffron quality, look no further than our trusted source of Persian saffron at Saffron Silk Road.

Discover Excellence Saffron from Saffron Silk Road: 

🛒 Shop here Premium Super Negin and Sargol Saffron   

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1. Fujii, S., Morita, Y., Ohta, T., Uto, T., & Shoyama, Y. (2022). Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) as a valuable spice and food product: A narrative review. Longhua Chinese Medicine, 5, 2022. https://lcm.amegroups.org/article/view/8290

2. Predieri, S., Magli, M., Gatti, E., Camilli, F., Vignolini, P., & Romani, A. (2021). Chemical Composition and Sensory Evaluation of Saffron. Foods, 10(11), 2604. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10112604

3. Cid-Pérez, T. S., Nevárez-Moorillón, G. V., Ochoa-Velasco, C. E., Navarro-Cruz, A. R., Hernández-Carranza, P., & Avila-Sosa, R. (2021). The Relation between Drying Conditions and the Development of Volatile Compounds in Saffron (Crocus sativus). Molecules, 26(22), 6954. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26226954

4. Javanmardi, N., Bagheri, A., Moshtaghi, N., Sharifi, A., & Kakhki, A. (2012). Identification of Safflower as a fraud in commercial Saffron using RAPD/SCAR marker. Journal of Cell and Molecular Research, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.22067/jcmr.v3i1.13116

5. Parihar, K., Sharma, K., Singh Sankhla, M., & Kumar, R. (2020). Forensic Identification of Fake & Genuine Saffron (Kesar) from Local Market of Greater Noida. Forensic Science & Addiction Research, 5, 401-405. https://doi.org/10.31031/FSAR.2020.05.000615

6. Kothari, D., Thakur, R. & Kumar, R. Saffron (Crocus sativus L.): gold of the spices—a comprehensive review. Hortic. Environ. Biotechnol. 62, 661–677 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13580-021-00349-8

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